News from Clarendon Sixth Form College

A-level students go back in time to learn about history of democracy

Clarendon Sixth Form College students explore the importance of democracy at the People’s History Museum.

A-level government and politics students from the college recently visited the People’s History Museum in Manchester to enhance their understanding of democracy and social change.

During the visit, students explored key exhibits including the fight for voting rights, trade union movements and influential protests throughout history. They also examined historical artifacts from the suffragette movement, employment rights campaigns and civil rights activism, to gain a better understanding of how democracy has evolved in Britain.

The visit formed a crucial part of students’ studies, reinforcing key theories learnt in the classroom and helping them to understand current issues such as inclusion, racism and disability rights.

Vicky Heywood, government and politics teacher at Tameside College, said: “This trip was a fantastic opportunity for our students to see first hand how democracy has been shaped by activism and social movements. The People’s History Museum offers an engaging and thought provoking experience. They all had a great time and I think it has expanded their knowledge and views massively. They can now apply this knowledge practically to their studies.”

To find out more about A-levels at Clarendon Sixth Form College visit the college website or call 0161 908 6600.
