News from Clarendon Sixth Form College

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What’s happening in and around Clarendon Sixth Form College?

Students at the museum

A-level students go back in time to learn about history of democracy

Clarendon Sixth Form College students explore the importance of democracy at the People’s History Museum.


Lexie on the set of the show

Lexie reaches for the stars with TV work experience

Clarendon Sixth Form College student Lexie reaches for the stars with television series work experience placement.

Lexie Joinson, a level three fashion and textiles student at the college, recently took part in work experience with ‘Dancing with the Stars’, in Ireland.


Students outside the Josephinum

Vienna trip a success for psychology students

Clarendon Sixth Form College students visit Vienna to expand their knowledge of psychology and culture.


Halle's horse sculpture

Students’ Portland Basin art project opened by Mayor

Clarendon Sixth Form College students create artwork for local museum after success of gallery project.

Art and Design students at the college have designed pieces for Portland Basin Museum, which reflect and respond to the collections there.


Enya and Isabelle with the mural

Students’ artwork brightens up hospital for patients

Clarendon Sixth Form College art and design students brighten up local hospital unit using their artistic flair.


Students conducting experiments at the university

University sciences trip ‘sparks’ students’ careers

Clarendon Sixth Form College students visit prestigious university to learn about careers in chemistry.


Emma with historian Paul Cartledge at the event

Classics teacher delivers speech at prestigious public school

Clarendon Sixth Form College teacher delivers speech at prestigious Harrow School development event.


Adelola helping patients join the NHS app

Students help local community access vital services

Students at Clarendon Sixth Form College help local community with ‘digital literacy’ sessions for patients.

BTEC science students at the college have been volunteering with The Bureau, a local community wellbeing charity, to support their digital healthcare support service.


Open Event 2025

Open Event at Clarendon Sixth Form College

Dr Boland discussed nanotechnology applications

Female physicist inspires future generation of pioneers

Clarendon Sixth Form College visited by leading physicist to inspire the scientists of the future.

