
Whether they are big or small, sometimes, we all face difficulties. If you have problems, or are feeling stressed our team is here to help you manage. We also support learners with COVID-19 linked support needs.

If you have problems at home or College or are feeling stressed or under pressure our team are always her to listen and help you manage these situations. They will also help you with any situation where you don’t feel safe!

Progress and Welfare Advisors (Pastoral) are here to help you overcome any barriers to your learning, these might include:

Progress and Welfare Advisors

  • Helping you cope if you are feeling worried, stressed or under pressure
  • Helping you with a situation where you feel unsafe
  • Needing some support with personal issues at home or in College
  • Helping you to identify and break down barriers to succeeding on your College course
  • Help to access services which can best support your needs
  • Support with behaviour and attendance issues
Wellbeing Support

Keeping you safe…

Here for you

We are also here to help keep you safe. You may hear this called ‘Safeguarding’ There is a team of Safeguarding Officers in College whose job it is to make sure you are kept safe from abuse or neglect. The Progress and Welfare Advisors (Pastoral) are part of this team.

If you/someone you know feels they are being abused or exploited (physically, sexually, emotionally or neglectfully) then this is a safeguarding issue. If you need to talk to someone about a safeguarding issue you can speak to your subject or Progress Tutor or any member of the Progress and Welfare Team.

See us

Our team are based in the Student Hub at Tameside College and in Student Services at Clarendon Sixth Form Centre.

If you want to pop in to see us any member of the Progress and Welfare Team will help you.

Contact us

Progress and Welfare Team Leader (Pastoral)
Call: 0161 908 6767 Or email us safeguarding@tameside.ac.uk


Wellbeing Activities (Physical & Non-Physical)


Support when college is closed or in an emergency

For young people:

Media Awareness : Download Media Awareness (PDF)

42nd Street offer online support and information and can be contacted here:


This online platform is for all young people aged 11-18 who may be struggling with their mental health – and particularly during the COVID-19 outbreak. It offers a variety of resources, including:

  • A live chat function that allows young people to contact a qualified counsellor
  • Chat forums with other young people
  • Crisis information
  • Self-help resources


You can also access information at the following websites:


For Adults and Young People:

If you are in an emergency or crisis and feel unable to keep yourself safe or that your distress is out of control you can contact:

Tameside Council: Family guide to getting advice and help (PDF)

Accident & Emergency: either by telephone (0161 331 6248) or in person, 24 hours a day, every day

Emergency Social Services: 0161 342 2222, 6.30pm-9am, 7 days/week.

– Call in the event of unexpected major problems within the home or family·

The Samaritans: 116 123 (FREEPHONE)- 24 hours each day, every day. Talk to them any time you like, in your own way, and off the record – about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal. There are also local numbers to call directly: 0161 2368000 (Manchester) or 0161 432 1221 (Stockport). This costs you the same as dialing any other local number. If there’s no-one available to answer your call, you’ll be passed to a volunteer available at another branch, but you’ll pay the cost of a local call no matter which branch answers your call.

The Sanctuary: 0300 003 7029 (FREEPHONE) – Provides mental health crisis support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

In an emergency you can also dial 999.

Papyrus 0800 068 4141

Safestop https://uk.depaulcharity.org/safestop-manchester

Safestop is a high-need project and will often house young people in crisis. We currently have 12 well-presented bedrooms, two with ensuite facilities, plus one emergency bedroom for young people at risk of rough sleeping

You may find it helpful to store these numbers in your phone.
